Since 2005 I have been working with individuals, organisations and corporate clients on issues related to personal and career development, work-life balance and management. I strive to combine professionalism with a respectful approach in order to achieve positive results.
Professional experience
- Consultant – Coach – Trainer, self-employed since 2005
- Senior Consultant in a leading Outplacement company, Geneva, 1998 – 2004
- Human Resources Director, Fondation Vaudoise pour l'accueil des requérants d'asile (FAREAS), Renens
1996 – 1998
- Teacher, Ecole d'ingénieurs HES Geneva, 1993 – 1995
- Delegate, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in southern and central Africa,
Asia and the Middle East, 1986 – 1990
- Research assistant, Federal Department of Justice and Police, Berne, 1982 – 1983
Education / diplomas
- Master in Business Administration (MBA), University of Geneva, 1995
- Master in Political Science, University of Geneva, 1979
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC), accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF)
- Professional coach, International Mozaik, Paris
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Levels I, II & Team, Oxford Psychologists Press (OPP), Oxford
- NLP practitioner, Level 2, BrieF'R Formations, Geneva